Office of Student Accounts

Important Deadlines

REMINDER – Payment Deadline is 5 p.m. on the first day of each term.

*See detail of payment deadlines here.*

Important Information from the Office of Student Accounts

Fall/Spring rates are available on the following link

Summer rates are available on the following link

Payment Deadline Reminder: Payment deadline is 5 p.m. the first day of classes for the term enrolled. All aid must be listed as authorized, tuition waivers applied, and any other payments posted prior to the deadlines.  Any account not satisfied by the payment deadline may be withdrawn for non-payment.  For your convenience, you may pay balances on-line, mail payment, or come by the Office of Student Accounts located on the 2nd floor of Palmer Hall.  如果您无法亲自访问学生账户办公室,您可以前往一楼的学生援助办公室并请求帮助.  A staff member from the office will promptly assist you.  如果您对您的学生账户余额有疑问或需要进一步的帮助, 请联系学生账户办公室(205-665-6065)或发送电子邮件至

E-bills:  E-bills will be sent to your student UM email address monthly. This will be an e-bill notification. 此通知通知您指定学期内学生帐户上的所有付款和费用. 你可能有总到期余额、贷方余额或零余额. 如果您对账单有任何疑问,请澳门在线赌城娱乐的学生账户办公室.

Steps to pay or view Student Account: Log in to your Banner Self Service account, click student, select student account, and choose account detail for term, specify term to view. You may review your charges, pending aid/scholarships, 付款在这里或您可以选择立即支付按钮或信用卡链接在页面上进行付款. 注意:使用即时支付或信用卡链接是直接向学生账户付款。 NOT to setup payment plan. 夏季学期不提供通过Nelnet的付款计划(由于较小的课程). 你可以在春季学期开始支付夏季入学费用.


注册付款计划的目标日期列在下面的链接中.  在建立付款计划时,需要支付首付款和45美元的注册费.  此外,请记住只设置您的自付费用.  You may visit for more payment plan information. 如果你以前是付款计划,它不会滚动到下一个学期. You must re-enroll each semester. There is no payment plan offered for Summer terms.

Tuition Waivers:  请注意,现在每个学期都需要员工和家属的豁免请求. 我们鼓励所有员工和家属在注册课程后尽快将学费减免交给人力资源部门. 员工和家属的学费减免的截止日期是在学期第一天的前一周提交给人力资源部.

任何在付款截止日期后收到的豁免将尽快处理, 但是,如果学生账户不满意,学生账户可能会被收取滞纳金.

Reminder:  所有未包括的费用(附属费用、罚单、停车证、带照片的身份证、司法罚款等).)必须在付款截止日期之前支付,同时申请豁免,以防止滞纳金.

校外奖学金和政府付款将在付款或收到资格信息时申请.  如果你是外部奖学金或第三方合同(AL GI)的接受者, Voc Vet, Voc, Rehab, PACT, Employee or Dependent Waivers, etc.),但没有看到它适用于您的帐户,请联系学生帐户办公室. Note: If you are an Alabama PACT recipient, 并且不会看到您的PACT福利适用于您的学生帐户. 请将您的资格信从阿拉巴马州PACT提交给学生账户办公室.

Holds:  持有当前或之前学期余额的学生帐户,将限制预注册, transcripts, and obtaining grades. Holds will be removed when students account is satisfied.  请记住,如果您的帐户无法及时注册,可能会影响您获得所需课程和课程时间表的能力.

Direct Deposit我们鼓励学生在学生账户办公室注册直接存款.  你将需要一张作废支票或一封由你的银行发出的信,信上印有你的名字, account number, and routing number listed.  一旦提交,直接存款将保持有效,直到您通知停用为止.  If you close or change your bank account, 请到学生账户办公室更新这些信息,否则您的退款可能会延迟.

Optional Commuter Meal Plans: These can be purchased at the Office of Student Accounts.  For informational purposes, 可选计划被列为“通勤膳食计划选项,按学期计算”。. 可选的通勤计划为一个学期,并在学期结束时到期. For more information please visit

Want to charge books and supplies at Freddie’s Books and More? 如果学生的援助大于他们的费用,将会有一个估计的信用余额.  有暑期学分余额的学生将有资格在校园书店购买书籍和用品. Please click here 查看开始记账的日期、记账的最后日期和退货的最后日期.

Note: You may also view Plan Ahead for additional information.


Office of Student Accounts – 205-665-6065

Student Aid Office (Financial Aid) – 205-665-6050

Human Resources – 205-665-6055

Housing Office – 205-665-6235